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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Magnolias 2016 >
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MarcViskens18-Apr-2016 06:53
Bien fait
larose forest photos10-Apr-2016 02:13
Dreamily romantic shot. V
Carol How10-Apr-2016 01:46
Superb composition! V
bill friedlander09-Apr-2016 18:17
Beautiful design light and colors. Terrific shot! V
Allan Jay09-Apr-2016 17:33
Graeme09-Apr-2016 15:46
Very pretty with excellent details, Blandine. BV
Marcia Colelli09-Apr-2016 15:20
Very beautifully capture. Nice high key effect. V
Nick Paoni09-Apr-2016 14:19
Soft and lovely. V
Tom LeRoy09-Apr-2016 14:04
A wonderful Magnolia ! V