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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les lotus >
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Jeff Real09-Oct-2019 15:45
I love this beauty!
Ivan Kruys29-Jan-2014 06:15
Simply Beautiful! V
veraferia18-Aug-2013 12:21
Beautiful colors and contrasts!V
François Fauchard18-Aug-2013 09:40
Superbe couleur de ce lotus; V
Carol How18-Aug-2013 02:42
Superb! V
larose forest photos18-Aug-2013 02:07
The light is superb in this STUNNING shot! V
woody3418-Aug-2013 01:44
Beautiful, the light and the colours are outstanding...V
Graeme17-Aug-2013 23:09
Absolutely perfect and so elegant, Blandine.BV
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet17-Aug-2013 21:27
Absolument ravissant.
Sam Rua17-Aug-2013 14:54
Wow. Lovely light and comp, Blandine. Just beautiful. V.
Gerard Koehl17-Aug-2013 13:08
Magnifique. V
Fong Lam17-Aug-2013 08:45
Fantastic close-up of this lotus...great details and gorgeous colors...V
Pete Hemington17-Aug-2013 08:16
Excellent detail and light
Tom LeRoy17-Aug-2013 07:52
Amazing beauty, sharp and fine details! V