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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les lotus >
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Aug-2013 11:05
Superb work, love this! V++
Carol Rollins18-Aug-2013 14:40
Jean D17-Aug-2013 01:05
De toute beauté avec superbe détails, Blandine. ~V
Colin Storey16-Aug-2013 20:49
Beautiful close up. v
François Fauchard16-Aug-2013 18:53
La transparence de ce lotus est magnifique. V
Marcia Colelli16-Aug-2013 18:49
Very lovely. Wonderful exposure V
bill friedlander16-Aug-2013 15:49
Outstanding shot of a beautiful flower! V
Fletcher Wildlife Garden16-Aug-2013 13:15
The light is amazing in this lovely shot. V
Fong Lam16-Aug-2013 12:52
Absolutely gorgeous colors, lighting and details....V
Tom LeRoy16-Aug-2013 07:54
Marvelous Lotus, great light and focus! V
Chris Morton16-Aug-2013 07:21
everything we have had before and even more harmonious composition
danad16-Aug-2013 06:00
Une autre image tout en délicatesse. V.