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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les lotus >
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Graeme10-Apr-2014 08:43
Absolutely stunning with beautiful colours, Blandine.BV
Carol Rollins18-Aug-2013 14:40
Beautiful. Love the light on this.
Pierre18-Aug-2013 11:07
Tout à fait splendide! V
woody3415-Aug-2013 03:33
Amazing light in these picture post card perfect images...lovely work...V
marie-jose wolff14-Aug-2013 21:12
c'est merveilleux! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)14-Aug-2013 15:39
fantastic image...voted.
Sam Rua14-Aug-2013 13:43
Beautiful comp and capture. V.
Marcia Colelli14-Aug-2013 13:14
Beautiful light and composition of this lovely Lotus Blossom V
Fong Lam14-Aug-2013 12:19
Lovely image with excellent colors and details...V
Tom LeRoy14-Aug-2013 10:57
Exquisite detail and color! V
danad14-Aug-2013 07:01
Beautiful with such sharp details. V.
Carol How14-Aug-2013 06:56
Breathtaking! V
Chris Morton14-Aug-2013 06:05
good to see the gradual unfolding - I don't think I have ever seen these before
Range View 14-Aug-2013 05:53
Brilliant image of this superb flower. V.
Long Bach Nguyen14-Aug-2013 05:43
lovely shot, great dof and colors