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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les lotus >
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)22-Aug-2013 07:24
luv this one.v
Patrick Goossens15-Aug-2013 11:14
A great capture with the glimpse of the interior.
woody3414-Aug-2013 04:23
Very beautiful, outstanding colours and light...V
Carol How13-Aug-2013 21:11
Such a magnificent beauty! V
Fletcher Wildlife Garden13-Aug-2013 20:38
Oh, very, very beautiful!! V
Colin Storey13-Aug-2013 19:25
Fantastic close up. v
lucanton13-Aug-2013 19:05
Tout simplement magnifique! V
Mohamed Mahmoud13-Aug-2013 18:33
John Hamers13-Aug-2013 17:32
Beautiful !!V
Anitta13-Aug-2013 16:49
Another floral beauty. You truly have the eye!! V
bill friedlander13-Aug-2013 16:12
Gorgeous! A design in Zen! V
Nestor Derkach13-Aug-2013 15:48
Blandine , a lovely portrait of this light pink lady.
Nice detail and close up.
Tom LeRoy13-Aug-2013 14:44
Always so beautiful, excellent shot. V
Guest 13-Aug-2013 13:51
très exotique. V
Stephanie13-Aug-2013 12:17
Lovely lotus! V
an nguyen13-Aug-2013 12:08
Very beautiful .
Fong Lam13-Aug-2013 11:18
So delicate with that soft glowing light! V
borisalex13-Aug-2013 06:26
Like a poem ! V.
danad13-Aug-2013 05:50
Une très belle transparence des pétales. V.