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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les pivoines >
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Fletcher Wildlife Garden03-Jul-2013 02:38
So beautiful! A great froth of creamy white petals. V
Larry Umthun03-Jul-2013 02:09
Excellent detail Blandine!
Carol How03-Jul-2013 00:49
Gorgeous Blandine, I can almost feel the soft texture.... V
Jean D03-Jul-2013 00:47
De toute beauté. Les nouvelles chutes arrivent. ~V
woody3403-Jul-2013 00:42
Very beautiful, the light and presentation,perfect...V
Ika Zinka Eferl02-Jul-2013 19:36
Wow , beautiful image ,Blandine!*v*
Chris02-Jul-2013 18:29
Perfection, Blandine!
Stephanie02-Jul-2013 14:38
Beautiful capture of the wonderful petals! Love these flowers! V
Nestor Derkach02-Jul-2013 13:56
The Peony composition is beautiful.The fragrance must be wonderful.
Marcia Colelli02-Jul-2013 13:05
Nice exposure of this beautiful Peony V
Jean Chiasson02-Jul-2013 11:27
Super présentation Blandine vote
Pete Hemington02-Jul-2013 10:23
Beautiful buds and blooms
borisalex02-Jul-2013 07:36
Like a painting in oil from a french master! Terrific details to the petals! v.
Tom LeRoy02-Jul-2013 07:34
So rich on beauty and light - a magnificent capture, Blandine! V
Chris Morton02-Jul-2013 07:11
Gerard Koehl02-Jul-2013 06:39
Splendide. V
Sam Rua02-Jul-2013 06:36
Beautiful bouquet and a very nice comp, Blandine. V.