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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les azalées >
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Guest 24-Oct-2013 13:46
Very nice
Jean D28-Jun-2013 02:50
Majestueux.. ~V
Carol Rollins23-Jun-2013 21:35
This is delightful!
samikosemi21-Jun-2013 19:15
Beautiful work with this close up pic
Sami ! V
Jeff Real19-Jun-2013 01:22
This is an amazing capture, my friend ~V~
woody3418-Jun-2013 04:58
A beautiful close up, the details and those amazing colours are fantastic...V
Stephanie17-Jun-2013 20:35
Stunning close-up work! V
Colin Storey17-Jun-2013 19:54
Fantastic colourful close up. v
Lieve Snellings17-Jun-2013 17:16
Great DOF... V
J'aime les couleurs...
Fong Lam17-Jun-2013 13:14
Love the vibrant colors and lovely details....V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet17-Jun-2013 13:01
J'adore l'effet de votre photo. Bravo.
Guest 17-Jun-2013 11:30
le rose
Graeme17-Jun-2013 08:46
Absolutely stunning colours and fine details, Blandine.BV
Gerard Koehl17-Jun-2013 06:55
Tout simplement magnifique. V
lou_rozensteins17-Jun-2013 06:14
Very lovely work.
Long Bach Nguyen17-Jun-2013 06:01