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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Iris 2013 >
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Jean D19-Jul-2013 23:33
Une Iris de toute beauté, Blandine. ~V
Range View 17-Jun-2013 06:32
A beautiful colour combination in this flower. Isn't nature wonderful! BV
Pierre16-Jun-2013 11:30
Une iris aux couleurs magnifiques! V
J S Quesada15-Jun-2013 22:18
Beautiful. Love the color combination. Excellent light and fabulous bokeh. V
woody3415-Jun-2013 04:01
These colours are pure beauty...lovely work..V
Colin Storey14-Jun-2013 19:19
Great mix of colours. v
John Hamers14-Jun-2013 17:32
superb colours !! V
cambraniz14-Jun-2013 12:31
De magnifiques couleurs. V
Stephanie14-Jun-2013 11:58
This is a beautiful iris! Love the color combo! V
Kim14-Jun-2013 08:45
Very beautiful floral image, great light and composition! V
marie-jose wolff14-Jun-2013 08:42
les couleurs sont superbes! V
Graeme14-Jun-2013 08:33
Stunning colours and lighting, Blandine.BV