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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Les azalées >
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Raymond12-Jun-2013 14:55
Ma préférée ... elle est si belle.
XiaoBernard9904-Jun-2013 13:52
En plein dans la beauté rose...
Lieve Snellings31-May-2013 14:09
My favorite today !
Graeme29-May-2013 09:16
I love the burst of pink in this shot and the fine details, Blandine.V
Mihai29-May-2013 07:54
Splendid! Big Vote!!!
woody3429-May-2013 06:42
So delicate and beautiful, wonderful light and colours...V
Jean D29-May-2013 00:00
Formidable et de toute beauté, Blandine. ~V
J S Quesada28-May-2013 22:41
Beautiful. Excellent color saturation and light. V
Ika Zinka Eferl28-May-2013 19:24
Zoltán Balogh28-May-2013 17:59
How beautiful it is! V
Tom LeRoy28-May-2013 16:40
A marvelous pink and great details on these beautiful blossoms. Superb image, Blandine! V
Fong Lam28-May-2013 14:17
Gorgeous colors and light...V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet28-May-2013 14:03
Tout à fait magnifique.
Stephanie28-May-2013 11:25
A delicate beauty! BV
borisalex28-May-2013 06:40
Excellent! v.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)28-May-2013 05:55
A lesson of light mastering.BRAVA!
Long Bach Nguyen28-May-2013 05:54