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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 > Hearing the Quiet
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Hearing the Quiet

Moments before sunrise over the lake.

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Pierre16-Nov-2019 16:13
Une très belle ambiance matinal et de belles couleurs de ce joli paysage! V
Allan Jay14-Feb-2015 17:32
What a peaceful and lovely mood set
here, Buz. Love the reflection and wonderful
contrasts. *V*
Guest 31-Jan-2012 12:05
Beautiful and calming. I have difficulty taking my eyes off of it. v
marko gregoric14-Jan-2010 13:01
Beautiful scene. Very nice image. V.
tomandlinda24-Sep-2009 02:09
Very serene, calm and beautiful colors. v.linda
Yiannis Pavlis15-May-2009 12:32
Excellent! Love the light, point of view, composition. Very compelling!V
Apostolos Tikopoulos07-May-2009 19:53
Excellent scene. I really can hear it. v.
Matthew Mannell07-May-2009 00:53
Nothing like the sound of silence..beautiful scene!
poetry66602-May-2009 22:54
Beautiful reflections of the silhouette trees Buz.
Douglas Stucky28-Apr-2009 10:59
Wishing I was behind the lens. Beautiful! vote
bill friedlander26-Apr-2009 23:33
A moment to savor and enjoy.
Gerard Koehl26-Apr-2009 19:03
Ce levé du jour est magnifique... V
Richard Calmes25-Apr-2009 15:11
Beautiful! I hear it! V
Gayle P. Clement25-Apr-2009 12:44
Beautiful capture of this quiet morning, Buz.
Fong Lam25-Apr-2009 12:41
Wonderful sunrise scene, love the quiet atmosphere and reflections, Buz !! V