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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 > Little Blue Heron - Nesting Material
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Little Blue Heron - Nesting Material

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/500s f/8.0 at 650.0mm iso400 with 1.7 TC full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Chris Spracklen24-Jun-2009 22:59
Cracking shot of this enterprising bird, Buz!! (V)
Marco Valk07-May-2009 17:09
Great shot; very colourful. v
Matthew Mannell07-May-2009 00:54
She is lovely, great setting as well.
Yi Feng06-May-2009 02:46
Beautiful capture Buz. Love the light and detail!
Steve Morris05-May-2009 16:00
Beautiful bird - very well captured!Bv
poetry66602-May-2009 22:54
Great shot here Buz.BV!!
Char25-Apr-2009 12:34
Hi Buz,
Good to see you back! This is a terrific detailed capture with great lighting. \/
Richard Vance25-Apr-2009 12:06
Fine shot of Little Blue gathering nesting material. Very sharp with the zoom and teleconverter. Vote
Best regards,
shatterbug25-Apr-2009 06:23
A terrific capture in sweet light!
Gerard Koehl25-Apr-2009 02:38
Magnifique prise parfaitement saisie... V
Gayle P. Clement25-Apr-2009 02:10
That stick's as big as he is. Well done, Buz.
bill friedlander25-Apr-2009 01:40
Excellent detail and color. After seeing many heron shots on pbase, this is the first I've seen of a heron selecting nesting material. Good nature image. V
lou_rozensteins25-Apr-2009 00:18
Nice shot. Well done.
Breland24-Apr-2009 22:55
It was fun watching this little blue find just the right stick for his nest. Nice light and detail Buz.
Faye White24-Apr-2009 22:33
stunning color and detail!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography24-Apr-2009 22:20
Excellent and interesting capture, Vote.