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A button bows

Thursday Challenge for 3/8/07: Buttons and bows

Russel and the Buttons take their bows.

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LM Gildersleeve14-Mar-2007 00:06
This spikes my curiousity. Very well done. :D
Dave Wixx09-Mar-2007 02:44
Very clever............ excellent composition.
Yvonne09-Mar-2007 01:49
Now that is a clever shot, how did you get them to stay there!
Laryl09-Mar-2007 01:31
well done
Cindi Smith09-Mar-2007 01:11
How did you do that! What a cool shot and idea!
Stephen Ware09-Mar-2007 00:56
Clever idea, nicely done.
Jola Dziubinska08-Mar-2007 22:59
Nice trick :)
Jessica McCollum08-Mar-2007 22:00
This is wonderful! Very clever!
Antonio Ruggiero08-Mar-2007 21:52
Bravo good work.... \/
Deborah Lewis08-Mar-2007 21:46
Excellent entry - cool shot!
Barbara Heide08-Mar-2007 21:31
wonderful composition and light!!!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 21:19
Really clever, love it!
Richard Chapman08-Mar-2007 21:03
Love the interplay of the light and the shadows
Guest 08-Mar-2007 21:02
Love the idea. Very creative to make the buttons to have shadows and the lighting too is excellent. Gmv.
Carole Stevens08-Mar-2007 20:19
Great shot, lovely light and shadow!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 20:19
Very nice shot and good timing.
Will Denney08-Mar-2007 20:03
nice twist and great presentation!
Enrico Martinuzzi08-Mar-2007 19:45
very nice idea Bill.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 19:41
Very well done...creative
Michael Shpuntov08-Mar-2007 19:40
That's a great take on theme. Cleaver and beautiful shot. Vote.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 19:35
So very clever,Bill!
chrisse08-Mar-2007 19:05
Cool, very well done !
Guest 08-Mar-2007 19:04
Image works very well.
carol j. phipps08-Mar-2007 18:19
Well done! Slight of hand work. Excellent.
Nicki Thurgar08-Mar-2007 18:16
Buttons bowing... very very clever & original! V
beverley harrison08-Mar-2007 17:52
very nicely done, love the shadow play!!
caveman_lee08-Mar-2007 16:49
Nice lighting and nice entry. Good shot.
Dana08-Mar-2007 15:54
Nicely done.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 15:49
how cool, I love the balancin act! v
Wei O'Connell08-Mar-2007 15:22
Excellent shot. Very creative entry.
Fong Lam08-Mar-2007 15:20
They defy the laws of gravity. Very creative.
Scott Browne08-Mar-2007 15:18
Renee Lockett08-Mar-2007 14:49
Very creative!! :) ~V~ Never seen buttons bow before. :-)
Maaike Huizer08-Mar-2007 14:46
Idd very COOL. Love it.
CreativeWiseGal08-Mar-2007 14:35
Wow! This is cool. Please share your secrets! We used to accomplish this using wax to make jewelry stand up like that...but that was many years ago.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:23
Love the Idea
Lee Rudd08-Mar-2007 14:06
very animated... love the shadows
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:26
excellent done, great idea, I bow you.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:15
very cool entry
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