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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Daily Showing > Bridge car lights
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Bridge car lights

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Guest 19-May-2007 22:18
Definitely caught my attention and drew me in.
Guest 13-Dec-2006 04:03
Nice use of opposite colors.
Guest 11-Dec-2006 19:49
This is stunning! Amazing colors!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-Dec-2006 18:56
Good shot :)
JSWaters11-Dec-2006 18:08
This is lovely, Bill. The warm glow of light over the calm blue water all add to the ghostly feeling from the trail of lights.
Barbara Heide11-Dec-2006 17:33
excellkent light!!!love these colours!!v
Guest 11-Dec-2006 17:29
Fantastic! V
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