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Bill Creech | profile | all galleries >> Mount Pisgah UMC >> Mount Pisgah Women's Ministry Fashion Show and Silent Auction 10-07-2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mount Pisgah Women's Ministry Fashion Show and Silent Auction 10-07-2010

Proceeds benefit The Drake House and Women’s Ministry Programs
For more information, see:
Photos by Bill Creech

The Women's Ministries would like to say a Special Thank you to:

·         Our Fashion Show Sponsors:

o   Chico's Norcross

o   Soma

o   White House | Black Market

·         Our Food Providers:

o   Brookwood Grill | Chef JonPaul Pelotte

o   Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee | Boake and Carol Moore

o   Southern Gourmet Catering Co | MaryAnn Levins

·         - Our Models:

o   Connie Austin | Marcia Gimsley | Janet Peterson

o   Maylin Beattie | Marcia Harvey | Julie Rayburn

o   Theresa Cecere | Cassidy Hewitt | Sharon Rocchio

o   Dianne Davenport | Nichole Hudson | Deborah Scott

o   Glenda Fincher | Beverly Bentley Johnson | Sandy Shiver

o   Ali Flores | Amanda Keddington | Irene Sila

o   Ann Greene | Cathy Murphy | Joan Wood

o   Cindy Grey | Francella Perryman

·         - Special Thanks to our Dancers | Choreograohy by Lori Courtney

o   Lori Courtney | Ali Flores

o   Abi Harlow | Katie Harlow

o   Laura Hailey | Sydni Peterson

o   Carly Patrick | Marikyn Ann Smith

·         - Hair and Makeup Stylists:

o   Muse Salon and Spa

·         - Silent Auction Donors

·         - Spectrum Entertainment for donating extra lighting

Women's Ministries would like to welcome The Drake House as a new beneficiary. A portion of the night's proceeds go to benefit The Drake House. for more information see

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Womens Ministry Fashion Show n Silent Auction Flyer2 DSC_1460.JPG
Womens Ministry Fashion Show n Silent Auction Flyer2 DSC_1460.JPG
Connie McIntyre - Women's Ministries DSC_4932.JPG
Connie McIntyre - Women's Ministries DSC_4932.JPG
Christy Merritt - The Drake House DSC_4935.JPG
Christy Merritt - The Drake House DSC_4935.JPG
Susan Belvins n Connie McIntyre n Sandy McKinney n Glenn Paris DSC_4882.JPG
Susan Belvins n Connie McIntyre n Sandy McKinney n Glenn Paris DSC_4882.JPG
Sandy McKinney - The Drake House DSC_4906.JPG
Sandy McKinney - The Drake House DSC_4906.JPG
Susan Brown - Fashion Show Director DSC_4841.JPG
Susan Brown - Fashion Show Director DSC_4841.JPG
Fashion Show Sponsor - Melinie Minsmoyer - Chico's DSC_5197.JPG
Fashion Show Sponsor - Melinie Minsmoyer - Chico's DSC_5197.JPG
Food - Brookwood Grill - Appetizers DSC_4891.JPG
Food - Brookwood Grill - Appetizers DSC_4891.JPG
Food - Mary Ann Levins - Southern Gourmet Catering DSC_4905.JPG
Food - Mary Ann Levins - Southern Gourmet Catering DSC_4905.JPG
Hair n Makeup - Daniel Jones - Muse Salone n Spa DSC_5204.JPG
Hair n Makeup - Daniel Jones - Muse Salone n Spa DSC_5204.JPG
Larry Wood - Video Photographer DSC_4900.JPG
Larry Wood - Video Photographer DSC_4900.JPG
Lori Courtney - Choreography for The Dancers DSC_4833.JPG
Lori Courtney - Choreography for The Dancers DSC_4833.JPG
Models DSC_5216.JPG
Models DSC_5216.JPG
Silent Auction DSC_5077.JPG
Silent Auction DSC_5077.JPG
Silent Auction DSC_5082.JPG
Silent Auction DSC_5082.JPG
The Dancers DSC_4936.JPG
The Dancers DSC_4936.JPG
Pearl Stringer - Miriam Creech DSC_4897.JPG
Pearl Stringer - Miriam Creech DSC_4897.JPG
Photographer - Bill Creech DSC_4895.JPG
Photographer - Bill Creech DSC_4895.JPG
More Images from the Mount Pisgah Women's Ministry Fashion Show and Silent Auction 10-07-2010
:: More Images from the Mount Pisgah Women's Ministry Fashion Show and Silent Auction 10-07-2010 ::
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