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Bernd Koenemann | all galleries >> Las Fotonovelas >> El Amor en los Tiempos de la Lluvia > Rain: Embrace Against the Elements
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Rain: Embrace Against the Elements

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Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 21:40
Beautiful capture. V
Yves Rubin06-Jul-2008 03:54
Absolutely gorgeous! Even the camera noise contributes beautifully to the feeling of this scene. Big vote!
Guest 15-Mar-2008 18:50
Evaristo Buendia Carrera31-Jan-2008 06:22
Wow! V
Milos Markovic11-Aug-2007 08:40
Stunning image!
pep10-Aug-2007 20:09
Terrific picture! voted
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor08-Aug-2007 22:01
Fabulous. Very touching. V.
judi227-May-2006 02:49
One of your best......!!