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Bernd Koenemann | all galleries >> Out of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. >> Aerial Views 1 > Salt Ponds
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Salt Ponds

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Ken Zaret22-Mar-2012 14:40
Great shot Bernd! Getting good colors through those windows is hard, not to mention composition, as you have done here.
Markus Grompe22-Mar-2012 14:06
I like the matt you used. Did you take this from a commercial airliner on approach to SFO?
Walter Otto Koenig19-Mar-2012 18:08
A fascinating image with these shapes and colors.
Guest 07-Nov-2007 07:52
A beautiful jigsaw puzzle. Nicely done.
Barbara Heide14-Aug-2007 15:58
ausgezeichnet! unglaubliche Farben!
Jola Dziubinska28-May-2007 14:42
What a stunning natural art! Great shot, indeed and voted.
Gervan29-Nov-2006 15:43
Fantastic! Nice abstract in beautiful colors.
nomada01-Jan-2006 13:11
awesome gallery Bernd!!!