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Bernd Koenemann | profile | all galleries >> People & Places >> Our Summer Home in Bremen, Germany tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Klimahaus 8° Ost | Daytrips | A Few Days in Italy and Beyond | Our Summer Home in Bremen, Germany | Minden, Germany | Hamburg, Germany | Soest, Germany | City Built on Salt: Lueneburg, Germany | Bremen, Germany | In and Around Lippstadt, Germany | Warmsen, Germany | Around Southampton, UK | Montpellier, France | Paris, France | Prague, Czech Republic | Tallinn, Estonia | Kyoto and Fukuoka, Japan | Around the World in 80 Minutes: Las Vegas, NV | San Jose, California, USA | Cities Reflecting on Themselves | Un Ángel de Bogotá | Retratos de Liliana | Retratos de Mi | House Art in and around Bremen, Germany | The Town Hall of Bremen, Germany | Festivals, etc., in Bremen, Germany

Our Summer Home in Bremen, Germany

As of March 1., 2008, we have a new summer home in Bremen, Germany.

Our Homepage

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Frieze Work
Frieze Work
Not by Christo
Not by Christo
Remnants of a Fall Past
Remnants of a Fall Past
Pollination in Process
Pollination in Process
Above the City
Above the City
In the Tunnel
In the Tunnel
Aboard the Pancake Ship
Aboard the Pancake Ship
Aboard the Pancake Ship
Aboard the Pancake Ship
The Pancake Ship
The Pancake Ship
The Pancake Ship
The Pancake Ship
Loading Device
Loading Device
House Decoration
House Decoration
House Decoration
House Decoration
At Home
At Home
In Memory of  Bessel
In Memory of Bessel
The Look
The Look
Door and Window
Door and Window
The Rose in the Window
The Rose in the Window
Bad Doggy!
Bad Doggy!
Guardian of the Bridge
Guardian of the Bridge
Reclining Figure
Reclining Figure
Guarding the Chickens
Guarding the Chickens
The King of Pop
The King of Pop
Roland's Knees (Again)
Roland's Knees (Again)
Bundesliga Pork
Bundesliga Pork
Still Life
Still Life
Dream House
Dream House
Path Across the Water
Path Across the Water
The Demure Listener
The Demure Listener
Memories of Summer
Memories of Summer
A Day in the Park
A Day in the Park
High-Tech Graffiti
High-Tech Graffiti
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