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BeauxPoint Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Galleries > Hawkeye
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This is Hawkeye...a Redtail Hawk. Hawkeye is the guest of the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge's Welcome Center. She was injured and since she could not fly and hunt, so she is cared for by the Center's Staff.

Update, last week it was found that Hawkeye had skin cancer to the degree that she had to be "put-down". This Redtail Hawk had been a teaching tool at the Refuge's visiting center and the schools in the area of North Alabama for a long time. It is now quite strange to walk past her enclosure now with it empty since for, myself personally, to say good morning to her in the hours before dawn as I arrived to photograph the treasures living in Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. Hawkeye will be missed.

Canon EOS 30D
1/200s f/8.0 at 85.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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rocky24-Mar-2010 14:59
She is a beauty! Nice portrait. =V=
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