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Daniel Beams | profile | all galleries >> People and Places around Bolivia >> Portraits of Bolivia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Portraits of Bolivia

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To learn more about our work in South America visit _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These are portraits taken from all over Bolivia within the last year. Bolivia may be a poor country, but as you can see in the faces of these beautiful people, their spirit is not broken. If you enjoy this gallery, please vote. I hope a little visibility will in some small way help in the economic and spiritual development of these often marginalized people.
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Bianca Dirty Fun Serious
Home from School v3/28/527328/3/50644050.81905portrait196.jpg Me and Sis
Ridin' Easy In the Kitchen with Mom Expectations
Bored Proud Chicken Mama My Horse and Me
Serious Face Catching a Ride Home from School u18/beamsclan/medium/43099008.sanjulian048.jpg
u18/beamsclan/medium/43120265.sanjulian059.jpg v3/28/527328/3/48347709.81905sanlorenzo040.jpg v3/28/527328/3/48357508.81905sanlorenzo043.jpg
Drunk as a Skunk v3/28/527328/3/48453177.81905sanlorenzo174.jpg g3/28/527328/3/55957140.020906026sanjul.jpg
g3/28/527328/3/55978613.020806025Draganizedsnju.jpg g3/28/527328/3/56000594.020906027sanjul.jpg Ricardo
Shoe Shiner Sisters In the Park
Mounted Police Begging Posing for Picture
Selling Fruit Frame Shop Riot Police
Street Angel Business Proposition Home
Free Sample for a Favored Customer The Start of Another Day Abasto Market Vendor
Heading Home Carnival Comparsas Spinning Away the Day
Waiting for Mom Reina and Her Daughters Holding Up the Wall
Take My Picture Too Beautiful Smile Real Cowboy
Beautiful Music At Home Hey look, Gringos!
Going to Work Posing Coucil Meeting
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u26/beamsclan/medium/43832613.villacruz_1313.jpg Local Authority Proud Musician
Old Brazilian Carpenter Padre Walter Making My Hat
My Baby Sister, Mom, and Me Fine quality Peddling Bracelets
Watching the World Go By The Big Smile Thumbalina
Bracelet Weaver Bangs g4/28/527328/3/52415963.yapacani111505139102.jpg
g4/28/527328/3/52415992.yapacani11150513911.jpg Too Hot for a Hat Glance
Trading Senior Citizen of Samaipata Sol and Ginger
Morning News Sleeping it off Bench Warmers
Tomatoes To the Market Waiting
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v3/28/527328/3/46716854.62405torotoro172.jpg v3/28/527328/3/46068745.62405068.jpg Selling sugar
Tiwanaku market seller Trolling for handouts No place to go
Waiting on the bus Long way home Locked Out
Family gathering Lunch Serious conversation
Business plans Always begging Market seller
Flower Seller Transaction Determined walk
After confession Easter Sunday Sweating
Waiting Greetings Buying bread
Tourists at Tiwanaku Selling tourist trinkets Selling bread and soda
Tiwanaku neighbor On the way to copacabana Easter morning service
Flower seller Ready for business Tres amigos
Heading to the market Flower seller Catching up
Kids from Talita Cumi Childrens Home Bee keeping project in Yapacani Supper at Cristo Viene Boys Home
Friday's Wash Day at Cristo Viene Boys Home On Chicken Watch at El Camino Boys Home 021706-163-friends.jpg
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Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Yuqui Elder - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore Yuqui Child - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore Yuqui Girl - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore
Yuqui woman and child - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore Yuqui Child Yuqui Boy - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore
Yuqui Woman - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore Making arrows - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore Yuqui woman knotting a fiber bag - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore
Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Indian community Bia Recuate, Cochabamba, Bolivia Yuqui Child - Bia Recuate, a Yuqui village on the Rio Chimore
Free Wheeling g1/28/527328/3/107665161.TDfPyw9h.jpg g1/28/527328/3/107665162.Oana5CO4.jpg
Iglesia San Francisco in Sucre Street scene in Potosi Old couple enjoying ice cream on the streets of Potosi
A drunk miner dragging his air hammer out of the mine after a long day's work. Market stall in Miner's Market Waiting on for a ride out of Tahua
Alcaldia Municipal in Tahua Soaking in some morning sun in Tahua Small community leaving Eduardo Alvaroa National Reserve, Southern Bolivia
Street vendor in Oruro La Paz Market La Paz Market
La Paz Market La Paz Market La Paz Market
La Paz Market La Paz Market La Paz Market
Quiabaya Man Not so sure Quiabaya Flowers
Quiabaya Girls Quiabaya Kids Quiabaya Afternoon
Quiabaya Portrait Restful View g1/28/527328/3/107702539.ecL0ac3f.jpg
Waiting on the Bus g1/28/527328/3/107702541.KaGIwmxS.jpg