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Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/200s f/7.1 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Roger B15-Sep-2008 01:04
You've captured the escence of the scene: A decaying countryside, tracks rusty from lack of use, small towns disappearing when rail traffic no longer stops to pick up the annual agricultural bounty. It makes me sad!
Mike Stobbs15-Apr-2008 02:41
So we got you hooked on "Vators" huh.....yes she is a classic and while I have never been to Pontypool I know her well......GMV...Mike
B. Shortall - BCS Photography15-Apr-2008 02:39
People.. Thats how it happened! I wasnt even near the tracks when I hear " OK, I am done - lets go" So... now its my turn to come up with something. My first one wont be the one I pick though. Not '400 2.8' lucky I guess!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)15-Apr-2008 02:22
Classic! GMV!
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