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John | all galleries >> banners >> Beautiful People >> Me, Myself & Eye > Take a closer look
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Take a closer look

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an N 26-Oct-2011 22:54
Excellent , creative , one of a kind .
yep , I see .
Raymond Ma26-Oct-2011 03:58
A visual conundrum! V
slhoornstra24-Oct-2011 20:04
I am blown out of the water by your deiicate touch and attention to detail. I am always amazed at what you can do with an object. VVV
Marcia Rules24-Oct-2011 19:30
mind-bending graphics that make me stare. V
PauloCGama24-Oct-2011 16:18
Ah, very clever. Wonderfully done, my friend.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther24-Oct-2011 16:14
An SP : ) Great idea and very nice compo! V