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John | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lost in this World > Lost View
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Lost View

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Jeff Real27-May-2019 12:36
So moody and mysterious!
This is a genuine work of art!
Rosemarie Kusserow17-Dec-2009 13:21
Great image and so suitable for this gallery, Rosemarie :o) V
an nguyen10-May-2009 19:02
It is difficult to choose my favorite in this gallery, but this one caught my attention at once and I love it at first sight..
regi olbrechts23-Mar-2009 21:29
Prachtig abstract John. Het raakt mijn ziel. Subliem.
Guest 10-Mar-2009 00:44
If I were you, i'd start thinking of moving. :) Beautifull capture quite unique.
J. Scott Coile08-Mar-2009 18:39
Just my type! Excellent.
Yvonne08-Mar-2009 10:12
j>a>e>17 :):):)08-Mar-2009 09:24
groovy gleee vibezzz for meeee :):):)
Barbara Heide08-Mar-2009 05:23
excellent shot and great title! v
Bill Ewart Jr08-Mar-2009 02:22
Great title!!!! V
carol j. phipps08-Mar-2009 01:24
Superb composition!
Maaike Huizer07-Mar-2009 10:06
Geweldig werk. Je bent erg goed bezig. V
Wim Ensie03-Mar-2009 21:56
simple semi abstract picture John. I like this one very much and not only this picture but your whole gallery. I am waiting what kind of picture will follow.
Guest 03-Mar-2009 15:47
Good idea John. Like your view... V!
Guest 03-Mar-2009 15:07
nicely compose ... well covered by B&W John, I like it :o) V~!