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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Life in 2020 > Mika
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211120_WMM0046 21st November


Keio-mogusaen, Tokyo

Unawares while we were having lunch in the park.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
1/80s f/7.1 at 34.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Neil Marcus24-Apr-2021 07:05
A great image of a beautiful woman, Bill
Doug Cruden29-Nov-2020 17:55
That's a lovely candid, great grab shot Bill
David Buzzeo23-Nov-2020 01:40
Mika looks deep in thought. Lovely V
Nirvan Hope22-Nov-2020 23:04
A beautiful pensive expression. A lovely portrait.
John Reynolds LRPS22-Nov-2020 14:24
Great portrait. V.
Helen Betts22-Nov-2020 14:00
Such a nice candid of Mika.
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