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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Galleries >> Animals and Birds > Muted
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100215_DSC3792 10th February


Another grey afternoon, that sucks the colour out of things.
So a bit of a dreary walk in the woods but some swans said hello.

And last year it was the stone seat.

Sony α7R
1/800s f/6.3 at 70.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ian Dalgliesh31-Dec-2015 21:20
Good title, but sadly not always a good outcome.At a large hall in Essex,swans were introduced, to their large pond,but the cygnets,competed with the swans for food,as there was no stream feed.
joseantonio14-Feb-2015 17:00
Lovely scene nicely captured.V.
Ton T.12-Feb-2015 21:01
Fabulous image Bill! V
Alan K12-Feb-2015 09:27
The beaks seem colourful enough. And the whites are vibrant. And they've made a nice pattern together. Overall it turned out not to be a bad PAD shooting day.
Martin Lamoon11-Feb-2015 13:43
Wonderful the swans stand out well.
Bryan Murahashi11-Feb-2015 05:49
Wonderful photo of these always elegant swans. V
LynnH11-Feb-2015 01:31
I do like how the swans seem to be looking at each other. Makes me want to draw a big pink heart between them and say Happy Valentines Day! V
John Reynolds LRPS10-Feb-2015 21:55
The swans make for a great image, despite the gloom!
Mairéad10-Feb-2015 21:22
Same here but this really is a lovely shot.
laine10-Feb-2015 20:01
It would be lovely to be that peaceful...a very pretty capture, Bill
Jackdad10-Feb-2015 19:49
Handsome swans!
David Lewins10-Feb-2015 19:20
Lovely capture and composition with both swans watchng you
Ted Aanensen10-Feb-2015 19:02
a tranquil image Bill, quite lovely
Jim Coffman10-Feb-2015 18:04
The swans will always brighten your day! Lovely image,Bill!
Helen Betts10-Feb-2015 17:17
It may have been grey, but the color in this image is fine, and seems a bit romantic with the glances they're exchanging.
Dave Petersen Photography10-Feb-2015 16:53
The positioning of the swans and the fact that they are looking at each other makes this a strong image. I think you have a great capture. I also think it would look great as a monochrome. Voted
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