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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2013 > Cottonwoods
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241013_1030259 24th October


Chimayó, New Mexico

Today we drove along the high road to Taos and stopped by some of the pueblo and artists' towns.
Along the valley, the cottonwood trees are looking beautiful as they turn golden.

Panasonic Lumix GH3
1/320s f/7.1 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carol Rollins01-Nov-2013 13:23
This is a gorgeous image, Bill. Absolutely beautiful. ~
Ton T.29-Oct-2013 18:26
Love the colours and composition! V+
Tom LeRoy27-Oct-2013 11:13
Beautiful trees and sunny skies, Bill Lovely shot. Wish it was this nice over here in the "old word" ! V
Ric Yates27-Oct-2013 10:36
Great contrast with the sky.
Anitta27-Oct-2013 09:24
Excellent compo and colors. Such a lovely autumn shot. V
Johnny JAG25-Oct-2013 19:08
Nice colours
Jackdad25-Oct-2013 18:04
Spectacular foliage!
laine25-Oct-2013 09:17
it looks very pretty...seems like a good holiday is being had!!
Martin Lamoon25-Oct-2013 08:02
Superb capture of these wonderful trees in their fall colours.
Helen Betts25-Oct-2013 04:37
Excellent composition of this lovely scene, color and light are great as well. V.
woody3425-Oct-2013 04:14
Lovely autumn colours in this well composed capture...V
Don Mottershead25-Oct-2013 04:11
Lovely. ~V~
DeMorcan25-Oct-2013 04:00
Nice fall shot.
danad25-Oct-2013 03:54
Splendid colors and clarity. The trees as well as the clouds are beautiful. V.
LynnH25-Oct-2013 02:01
Wonderful, colorful view! V
De'Carr Studio25-Oct-2013 01:07
Beautiful warm autumn colors.
mart senior24-Oct-2013 23:16
beautifull autumn colours..
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