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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Babies and Kids >> Szymon,Emilia,Michal >> Pregnancy >
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Nikon D80
1/640s f/1.0 iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Henry Taitano25-Jul-2011 18:58
Beautiful use of wide lens and light balancing..V
Guest 14-Jul-2011 21:20
Very beautiful capture.
Lamar Nix13-Jul-2011 21:13
Dreamy , surreal image with impact! V
Patricia Kay08-Jul-2011 21:08
Fabulous composition and details Bartosz...BV
CM Kwan08-Jul-2011 12:25
Powerful compositon! V
Lieve Snellings08-Jul-2011 01:45
great portrait ! V
Jim Coffman07-Jul-2011 23:17
This is a great perspective! Well done! V
shatterbug07-Jul-2011 22:48 this fisheye view, and huge expanse of beautiful sky!
Simon Chandler07-Jul-2011 22:47
Creative composition with artistic tone. Excellent work. v
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes07-Jul-2011 21:27
This is super, love the angle, love the rich colours.
McGarva07-Jul-2011 21:16
Superb! :)
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