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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Weddings >> Justyna&Pablo...Again???!!! >
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Nikon D80
1/160s f/1.0 iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kilkenny Photographic Society25-Oct-2010 10:24
Edward Dullard
Stunning work Bartosz. bv
Henry Taitano21-Oct-2010 01:48
Excellent! V
J. Scott Coile13-Oct-2010 16:30
Superb. A vision.
Aivar Mikko30-Sep-2010 09:59
Wonderful POV, idea!
Pedro Libório28-Sep-2010 19:15
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Sep-2010 21:52
Very cooll picture. v.
Guest 02-Sep-2010 13:40
This is a really wonderful shot. Such an interesting angle. GMV
Jean D31-Aug-2010 01:23
Excellent creativity and luv the composition, Bartosz!
Milan Vogrin30-Aug-2010 12:25
Great angle!
Linda29-Aug-2010 00:37
Lots of fun ... joyful and a candid feel ~V~
Petros Labrakos28-Aug-2010 22:05
wonderful original idea V!
Tom Briggs28-Aug-2010 19:56
I agree with Hans'Peter's comment below ... this is 'out of the ordinary' and is very creative. Superb ... v
H. P. Henriksen Starman28-Aug-2010 15:45
I had seen far to many wedding shots. But i really like the creativity of this one. v.
Guest 28-Aug-2010 14:23
cooool shot.
Guest 28-Aug-2010 14:06
Excellent angle, Bartosz. Fantastic work. V
Wenche Aune28-Aug-2010 13:34
Excellent! V
CM Kwan28-Aug-2010 11:51
Your PoV is dramatic! V
marie-jose wolff28-Aug-2010 08:12
very creative, amazing composition! V
María Cano28-Aug-2010 07:52
Very very original POV !! I like it ! -V-
Guest 28-Aug-2010 07:49
thats a special compo' for wedding shot.realy great
Guest 28-Aug-2010 06:24
Creative POV. Well done.
XiaoBernard9928-Aug-2010 05:42
Tres beau cadrage.Very pleasant with this posing .BV
Raymond Ma28-Aug-2010 05:37
This is a wonderful and creative angle Bartosz! Full of joy and spontaneity. V
January Grey28-Aug-2010 05:21
Awesome perspective!! Very impressive shot!
Marcela Mejia Photography28-Aug-2010 04:09
Outstanding !!! V
Jim Coffman28-Aug-2010 02:31
Amazing composition and great capture! V
Guest 28-Aug-2010 02:23
Excellent! V
Nora van Beek28-Aug-2010 01:06
Wonderfully creative pose, perfectly captured! ~V~
Elena28-Aug-2010 01:03
Amazing composition! BV
Michel Jasmin28-Aug-2010 00:26
Very original
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)27-Aug-2010 23:43
A real great, fun shot that will serve as a great memory for them on their 50th.
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