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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Weddings >> Justyna&Pablo...Again???!!! >
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Nikon D80
1/125s f/1.0 iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 30-Sep-2010 01:27
Like the fisheye work.
XiaoBernard9928-Aug-2010 05:43 of my preferred for this time.BV
Yiannis Pavlis20-Aug-2010 16:15
A very creative way to present the beautiful photo.Actually fantastic work.V
Vince20-Aug-2010 12:28
Fantastic! Great use of the fisheye for the effect. Excellent black & white image. Vote.
CM Kwan20-Aug-2010 10:49
Creative composition and outstanding capture! V
Patricia Kay20-Aug-2010 06:44
Fantastic creative image Bartosz...BV
Michal Leszczynski19-Aug-2010 20:38
Excellent! V!
Steve Mockford19-Aug-2010 20:12
Another interesting perspective Bartosz.
Guest 19-Aug-2010 19:57
lol, cool shot.
Guest 19-Aug-2010 19:24
Very pretty.
Elena19-Aug-2010 18:49
Great use of Fish Eye! BV
Guest 19-Aug-2010 18:01
hehe ... nice FishEye PoV :))) V~!
Jim Coffman19-Aug-2010 17:35
Very nice perspective,Bartosz!!
zyziza19-Aug-2010 17:19
nice in this way too!
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