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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Poland-My Father's Land >> Babia Gora "Old Wives or Witches Mountain" > Old Wives or Witches Mountain12.jpg
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Old Wives or Witches Mountain12.jpg

Nikon D80
1/100s f/10.0 at 160.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paul Chan18-Nov-2011 22:43
cits_4_pets06-May-2009 17:16
Love the contrast of the red rocks and trees. This is beautiful. V
mathilda williams13-Nov-2008 00:34
i like this! voted.
Wenche Aune10-Nov-2008 17:23
Very nice capture. V
Marcia Rules06-Oct-2008 02:45
v strong composition, unique POV, Bartosz
Guest 06-Oct-2008 01:25
Pretty interesting composition here... voted!
Guest 05-Oct-2008 23:22
Very nice capture, V
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