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barbarajoy | all galleries >> Germany - 13 galleries >> Hamburg 2017 > Residents of Speicherstadt
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Residents of Speicherstadt

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Tom LeRoy30-Sep-2017 12:09
Great candid that makes me smile! V
janescottcumming19-Sep-2017 23:08
The ever present phone. At least the dog can focus his interest in something else! Very nice candid. V
laine17-Sep-2017 18:58
A great candid...the dog looks completely bored :)
Yvonne17-Sep-2017 10:49
Great capture of the moment! v
Zeeby17-Sep-2017 07:04
A very well seen, great capture. V
Charlene Ambrose17-Sep-2017 04:32
Great capture. A sign of the times.
Gill Kopy17-Sep-2017 01:27
Great shot - how boring phones are for dogs !! V
Liz Bickel16-Sep-2017 17:06
I love this image! It's such a real slice of everyday life with the man concentrating on his iPhone; while the dog casually pops his head out of the railing to look around. Composition, clarity, and colors are perfect. Very well seen and shot.
bill friedlander16-Sep-2017 15:33
Great candid. What to do when your best friend doesn't care. V
Helen Betts16-Sep-2017 14:37
What a great candid, Barbara.
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