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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Archives 2006-2009 >> Rural Life >> walking my camera with hiking shoes > Autumn
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03-NOV-2007 Barbara Heide


Lyrics by "Fool's Garden"

We control the world we use
the endless sky above
and sometimes we believe
Some say we make history though the air breathe
is still the same today
And when the land begins to call
The sprites they dance
The leaves they fall
The change's begun and what remains
Not even thoughts -- not even names
We can remember can forget
We can achieve the highest aims
but we won't change the rules we're depending on
Now the freak of nature's holding up the mirror
to the haughty thoughts
Our brains are filled up

Don't you feel the earth is trembling
to heal the wounds we injured to her heart
The things are easy as they are
And when the land begins to call
The sprites they dance
The leaves they fall
The change's begun and what remains
Not even thoughts -- not even names
And when the time begins to fade
The side-scene changes because it's late
We cannot keep -- we drop the ball
For now the land begins to call

...view other's participating here : "November Caravan of Heart Songs"

part of the gallery "walking my camera with hiking shoes"

mysty mood
misty mood

FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom
1/350s f/2.8 at 6.2mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nick Powell13-Nov-2007 06:46
Superb reflection, a very good shot. V
nina10-Nov-2007 11:54
very nice picture!
moucheter09-Nov-2007 00:06
This is very very nice. Beautiful reflection. °V°
Paco López08-Nov-2007 16:49
Wonderful!!!!!!! VOTE!!
Terri Steele08-Nov-2007 12:44
Love the pov! Excellent work ;)
j>a>e>17 :):):)08-Nov-2007 10:55
i join the dancing sprites & the magical leafy pals you share queen barbara of rustolia :):):) ahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo with gleeeeeeee :):):)
Maaike Huizer08-Nov-2007 10:39
Great close-up. Love the subtle tones.
Guest 08-Nov-2007 09:49
incredible shot, great refextion and DOF!Very good composed!Huge Vote
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