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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Archives 2006-2009 >> Abstractions and textures >> My rusty favourites > nuts and bolts
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nuts and bolts

part of my new gallery "rust part II"

3rd place in "show and tell" contest 59: Rust

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10
1/13s f/3.2 at 6.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff Real29-Sep-2007 16:12
Great work. Like a futuristic landscape.
~V~ Jeff
Cory Easter20-Sep-2007 17:45
Congrats to my fellow 3rd place prize recipient! Love your entry. So much rust on that one that there's rust on the rust. Great perspective, colors, saturation.
Terry Bowker18-Sep-2007 17:51
Barbara, congratulations are in order for your placement in the "Rust" contest! This is a wonderful image! -V-!
Guest 15-Sep-2007 01:34
une image bien composée et définie.. et, comme toujours, des couleurs très intéressantes.
shatterbug11-Sep-2007 20:42
Love the contrast, colors, and the gritty textures...great shot!
Martha Albuquerque11-Sep-2007 12:52
terrific image, vote*
Guest 11-Sep-2007 04:05
Terrible! Une epaisse couche qui adoucit les formes et rend chaleureuses les couleurs. Le bleu du fond est magique.
Guest 09-Sep-2007 16:36
Great angel, light and shadow here Barbara!Super..V
marie-jose wolff09-Sep-2007 12:46
très belle texture, on dirait en effet de la poudre de cacao! V
Guest 09-Sep-2007 11:28
Love to see your stuuning rusty images again,Barbara!Gorgeous colours,texture and composition! V
Bernd Koenemann09-Sep-2007 10:52
Superb photo. How did the exams go?
Guest 09-Sep-2007 10:35
Love the mood. You make rust look great! Wish I had thought of it!
Jean-Luc Rollier09-Sep-2007 10:26
Dehl a raison, merci de nous avoir ramené du chocolat!
Excellent ! JL Vote
Nick Powell09-Sep-2007 09:53
Superb texture, well captured Barbara.
12309-Sep-2007 09:48
Chocolate. V
Maaike Huizer09-Sep-2007 09:40
Absolutely stunning. You are not just back. You are BACK!
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