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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Best of 2010 > la meule
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27-SEP-2010 Barbara Heide

la meule


The last three uploads...

bringing it forward...
bringing it forward...

just rust, but to me it looks like a painting....
just rust, but to me it looks like a painting....

Olympus E-PL1
1/80s f/5.6 at 42.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
laine01-Oct-2010 18:24
perfect the detail of age.
Maaike Huizer01-Oct-2010 07:19
This is great. I see Fibonacci in it.
Lieve Snellings01-Oct-2010 04:15
terrific image ! V
12330-Sep-2010 22:43
Awesome. V
Simon Chandler30-Sep-2010 20:29
Fantastic abstraction. Graphic and appealing. v
Gerhard Ritsema30-Sep-2010 20:07
Great soft colors and interesting details! Like it a lot! V
Raf30-Sep-2010 20:00
Beau detail et belle lumière. Bien vu.
Chris30-Sep-2010 19:54
Great detail here, as usual.
Chris30-Sep-2010 19:54
Great detail here, as usual.
Ann...30-Sep-2010 16:45
A complicated selection of cogs and wheels!
Guest 30-Sep-2010 15:46
Excellent close up.
PauloCGama30-Sep-2010 15:18
Fantastic textures and details. Nicely composed, Barbara.
zyziza30-Sep-2010 14:13
so rusty! v
Stephanie30-Sep-2010 10:25
This is really great Barbara! So 3D with beautiful lighting and colors! V
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