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Barbara Corvino | all galleries >> Savona / My hometown (10 galleries) >> Processione Venerd́ Santo / Good Friday Procession >
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07 04 2023 Copyright © Barbara Corvino


Visit my gallery Processione del Venerd́ Santo / Good Friday Procession

1) La promessa del Redentore, 1777 Filippo Martinengo "Pastelica"
cm 360 x 190 x 190.
Oratorio dei Ss. Giovanni Battista, Evangelista e Petronilla


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other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography14-Apr-2023 16:06
Excellent capture indeed, Vote.
Danad14-Apr-2023 09:53
Superbe cadrage qui met en valeur cet ange !
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