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Vicki Olson | all galleries >> In our hearts forever >> In our hearts forever > Buster
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Oh what a goofy boy he was.....He came to us after our lose of Bandit........Slinger needed a friend so his 1/2 brother joined our family...mandy had shown slinger a few times in confirmation...And she really enjoyed it..So now she had 2 red boys to show.....Buster was a real card...he could howl on que,sang in the car,and alot of goofy stuff......he got to be a big boy....and really big when he was eating bird suet out of my feeder and ballooned to 90 pounds....ugh....then the diet came he wasent a happy boy...hehe.....he was with us for 2 years before he became sick and went to rainbow bridge....miss ya big guy...

HP PhotoSmart 620
1/90s f/4.5 at 15.7mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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