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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 31
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San Diego, CA


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
1/2500s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Robin Reid05-Aug-2011 01:23
Dramatic and well done!
Frank Brault04-Aug-2011 00:38
A gorgeous building. wonderful point of view and conversion. V
J. Scott Coile03-Aug-2011 17:22
Awesome towering architecture.
Michael J. Parkinson01-Aug-2011 03:11
Astrid, you got it all right here. Great exposure to bring out the tonal range, cross lighting to bring out detail, shadows to give volume, and super view point.
Cindi Smith01-Aug-2011 02:10
That's some architecture. Wow, I love it. What a great place! V
franz31-Jul-2011 15:56
Nice view for the end of the july challenge. Thanks for all your comments. BV Astrid!
Guest 31-Jul-2011 13:30
Impressive building, great capture Astrid!
LynnH31-Jul-2011 11:55
So beautiful and ornate! V
Yvonne31-Jul-2011 09:55
Lovely textures and tones in this image!
Stephanie31-Jul-2011 09:43
Another beautiful building! Love the intricate architecture here!
Janice Dunn31-Jul-2011 05:45
Impressive building and great in B+W