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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 30
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San Diego, CA

Yuma building


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
1/2500s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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J. Scott Coile03-Aug-2011 17:22
Both of these are strong the end the month!
Cindi Smith01-Aug-2011 02:10
Love the tones in this one, astrid and the perspective. well done!!!
Guest 31-Jul-2011 13:31
Oops, sorry , I meant Astrid!!!! :(
Guest 31-Jul-2011 13:29
Nice tones and capture, a beautiful building Janice!
Yvonne31-Jul-2011 09:54
A very attractive building, great shot Astrid!
Stephanie31-Jul-2011 09:42
What a pretty building!!! Looks soooooo good in B&W!
Guest 31-Jul-2011 09:08
Robin Reid30-Jul-2011 02:04
Is this on 5th ave? Nice work.