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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 27
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San Diego, CA

Architecture in process


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
1/500s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindi Smith30-Jul-2011 02:43
Love construction sites....and they use Real Steel too! :)
Janice Dunn29-Jul-2011 22:57
I like this Astrid - so many shapes and reflections and shadows
Yvonne29-Jul-2011 11:19
Wow, it looks like its going to be BIG when its finished - fabulous shot Astrid.
Mieke WA Minkjan29-Jul-2011 07:46
I like the little people at the bottom of your composition
Walter Otto Koenig28-Jul-2011 23:38
Great details of this building which is being built at break neck speed.
Stephanie28-Jul-2011 22:33
Great to see architecture from the ground up! :)
LynnH28-Jul-2011 20:16
Wow, so much to see! Great details here!
Guest 28-Jul-2011 19:24
I like the couple walking down there, they look so tiny!!!
J. Scott Coile28-Jul-2011 15:59
Is this some sort of new sporting location?