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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 24
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San Diego, CA

This building looked like it came out of futuristic movie.


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
1/1000s f/5.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mieke WA Minkjan29-Jul-2011 07:18
strong contrast between black and white, well seen
Walter Otto Koenig28-Jul-2011 23:30
Cool detail shot Astrid. For some strange reason most of retails space in the ground floor of this complex has been vacant for years.
LynnH28-Jul-2011 20:08
This works great in B&W!!!
Guest 28-Jul-2011 19:08
Beautiful shapes Astrid, a wonderful capture and a nice architecture!
J. Scott Coile28-Jul-2011 15:55
Could be in outer space. Cool.
Cindi Smith28-Jul-2011 14:08
I think the cylinders blast pods! :)
Stephanie28-Jul-2011 13:19
Back to the future!!! Cool architecture! :)
Yvonne28-Jul-2011 11:38
Amazing to see so much in such a small space - great contrasts and tones Astrid!
Guest 28-Jul-2011 06:19
Very nice.