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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 18
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Cerritos, CA view map

Lunch/patio area at the same office building as number 17.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/80s f/5.3 at 11.7mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Brenda23-Jul-2011 17:56
Beautiful with all the reflections.
Cindi Smith22-Jul-2011 01:21
Not a big fan of thse kinds of office buildings but at least the grounds soften it a little. I love the well manicured grounds. :)
Mieke WA Minkjan21-Jul-2011 07:59
the umbrellas are an extra in the composition
J. Scott Coile20-Jul-2011 21:37
Some nice privacy.
Janice Dunn20-Jul-2011 20:11
Nice with the sun shining on the glass and surrounded by the trees
Guest 20-Jul-2011 19:27
Beautiful soft reflections! Nice capture Astrid!
Michael J. Parkinson20-Jul-2011 17:40
Well seen, as we say. A couple of the latest projects here in Kingston are rejuvenating this late 50s early 60s style. And they have gone up without debate, anything that strays from this generates a voluminous amount of mail to the editor. Everyone's an architect.
Walter Otto Koenig20-Jul-2011 15:03
Nice reflections and tones.
Stephanie20-Jul-2011 13:06
Looks like a perfect place to enjoy lunch at work! :)
LynnH20-Jul-2011 11:21
Great reflection of the tree! I like the triangular umbrellas too!
Yvonne20-Jul-2011 10:51
So lovely with the filtered light and reflections!
Guest 20-Jul-2011 06:01
Beautiful reflections.