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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 16
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Alhambra, CA

Detail of the Granada.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/80s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Brenda21-Jul-2011 22:43
Wonderful details on the arches.
Cindi Smith20-Jul-2011 02:50
Loving all the curves here at The Granada! Nice, nice in camera crop!
Mieke WA Minkjan19-Jul-2011 09:42
like your pov
Robin Reid19-Jul-2011 04:56
Nice shot
Janice Dunn19-Jul-2011 01:26
I like youor angle here - nicely shot
Frank Brault18-Jul-2011 21:42
A fine point of view. Interesting reflections and gorgeous craftsmanship on the second floor. Beautiful tones. V
J. Scott Coile18-Jul-2011 21:33
SO very fancy..
franz18-Jul-2011 16:21
En Arcadie. bv Astrid!
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jul-2011 14:55
Nice perspective. I like the details of the stone work on the second floor.
Stephanie18-Jul-2011 13:31
Wonderful reflections! The columns are so pretty!
Guest 18-Jul-2011 12:51
I love the close up, you can appreciate so many details here! Great shot Astrid!!
LynnH18-Jul-2011 11:34
Great PoV and reflections!
Yvonne18-Jul-2011 11:18
Lovely to get a close-up of the building, and wonderful reflections too!