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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 15
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Alhambra, CA

Granada in Alhambra is a favorite of ballroom and salsa dancers. Sunday evenings there is a dance from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. A nice time to have dinner and get some exercise.

For more information see


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/50s f/3.9 at 6.4mm iso400 full exif

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Brenda21-Jul-2011 21:50
Love all the arches in this photo. Great find and well done.
Mieke WA Minkjan19-Jul-2011 09:42
a wonderful time to dance the salsa
Frank Brault18-Jul-2011 21:44
A beautiful building. Like the point of view and the tonality. V
J. Scott Coile18-Jul-2011 21:33
How very cool to see it from these two unique perspectives.
Guest 18-Jul-2011 20:20
Very well taken.
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jul-2011 14:55
Cool shot Astrid. This place is a landmark in Alhambra. Salsa is too exhausting for me, I prefer photography for exercise.
Stephanie18-Jul-2011 13:31
Cool building ~ sounds like a lot of fun to go to!
Guest 18-Jul-2011 12:50
Nice way to exercise, nice arches and building Astrid!!!
LynnH18-Jul-2011 11:34
Great series of arches adds so much interest!
Yvonne18-Jul-2011 11:17
What a fun way to get your exercise, great music too no doubt! Fab shot Astrid.