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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 14
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Norwalk, CA view map

The back of Johnston Hargitt House Ranch Museum.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/160s f/5.0 at 10.4mm iso100 full exif

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Frank Brault18-Jul-2011 21:45
I just love this. V
Brenda16-Jul-2011 23:55
Reminds me of a beach house that we once stayed at.
Robin Reid16-Jul-2011 18:20
Nice shot.
Mieke WA Minkjan16-Jul-2011 07:59
is it a water tower, whatever it is a great image
Cindi Smith16-Jul-2011 04:27
Wow, they have their own water cooler! I love this. The tractor is icing on the cake!
Guest 15-Jul-2011 21:52
So many beautiful and different shapes, love it Astrid!!! A wonderful capture!!
J. Scott Coile15-Jul-2011 17:37
Love this. The old Ford tractor is a BONUS.
Walter Otto Koenig15-Jul-2011 13:50
Cool shot from the rear of this building. Most unusual with these stairs. That's when they built hot tubs for big parties. :)
Marielou Dhumez15-Jul-2011 11:14
Seems to be very interesting !
What is in this Museum ?
Great B&W picture.
Stephanie15-Jul-2011 10:39
Wonderful architecture! Is that a water tower?
Yvonne15-Jul-2011 06:48
Interesting from this angle, I wonder what that barrel is for on the top of the square tower?