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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 12
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Norwalk, CA view map

Johnston Hargitt House Ranch Museum


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/400s f/3.4 at 5.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Brenda16-Jul-2011 10:39
Beautiful Victorian.
Mieke WA Minkjan15-Jul-2011 07:36
the architecture reminds me of a brick house in my home town
like your pov
J. Scott Coile14-Jul-2011 23:06
I'll have a bite of that ginger bread ;-)
Guest 14-Jul-2011 16:21
Love the style!! gorgeous capture Astrid!V
Walter Otto Koenig14-Jul-2011 13:43
Very nice shot of this Eastlake Style house. Very effective with this slight off-angle perspective. Are you going to photograph Nixon's birthplace. ;-)
Yvonne14-Jul-2011 11:30
An unusually shaped beautiful little house with gorgeous decorations!
Stephanie14-Jul-2011 08:57
An all american beauty! V
Cindi Smith14-Jul-2011 05:14
Now, that's my kind of house! One day maybe I'll have a victorian beauty! :) V
Guest 14-Jul-2011 04:38
Very nice.
Michael J. Parkinson14-Jul-2011 04:24
This works quite well.