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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 11
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Norwalk, CA view map

Window detail from the Johnston Hargitt House Ranch Museum.

Built in 1891 by the D. D. Johnston family, the Hargitt House was built in the architectural style of Victorian Eastlake.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/160s f/5.6 at 14.3mm iso100 full exif

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LynnH13-Jul-2011 20:25
Wonderful details of this gingerbread work! V
Brenda12-Jul-2011 17:24
What a unique corner! Beautiful detail.
Mieke WA Minkjan12-Jul-2011 07:45
like you angle and emphasis on the corner of the house
Guest 12-Jul-2011 05:10
A lovely detail.
Cindi Smith12-Jul-2011 03:58
Love the gingerbread on Victorian houses. Love your composition, Astrid!
franz11-Jul-2011 19:15
Traitement d'angle original- bv Astrid!
J. Scott Coile11-Jul-2011 18:13
The kind of detail that is often lost in today's construction.
Ed McConnell11-Jul-2011 14:59
craftsmanship at its beat..nice detail shot.
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jul-2011 14:37
All the tell tale sign of Eastlake architecture here. At least a dozen different details in this tightly cropped image. Well done Astrid.
Guest 11-Jul-2011 13:31
Beautiful, love the style and your nice capture Astrid! Well done!
Yvonne11-Jul-2011 11:39
What a beautifully adorned trimming to this lovely old house!
Stephanie11-Jul-2011 09:58
Love the victorian gingerbread! This home would fit into Cape May, NJ perfectly! :)
Nice cropping!
Janice Dunn11-Jul-2011 07:15
I do like this old style of home with the lace-worked timber.. We have a lot of them in Auckland, but I know these old hjomes can be very cold to live in.