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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 4
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San Diego, CA

One of the newer buildings near the USS Midway. Assuming these are condos.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/250s f/5.9 at 22.8mm iso100 full exif

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Jola Dziubinska30-Jul-2011 01:05
Very high!
Michael J. Parkinson18-Jul-2011 05:24
I like the way you have hung onto the verticals, a big deal with me, of a very tall building. There is enough detail in the sky to let us know that it is there, another big deal with me, a wide tonal range and managing to get some movement of the flag.
Brenda07-Jul-2011 23:30
Great photo! I love how the perspective makes the balconies look like they are wavy. Beautiful!
Guest 07-Jul-2011 19:53
Si high ....
LynnH07-Jul-2011 15:42
What a veiw they will have!
Robin Reid07-Jul-2011 03:21
They ae condos. This building always draws my eye
Cindi Smith07-Jul-2011 02:51
Yeah, more than likely since they all have balconies. I don't think I could live in one...I need my green space. But a big old building. Hope it is up to earthquake standards. :)
Coleen Perilloux Landry07-Jul-2011 02:40
Wonderful design. My brother had several tours on the USS Midway in the 60's and 70's.
J. Scott Coile06-Jul-2011 21:53
City life... You are my wife... :-)
Guest 06-Jul-2011 16:27
Nice design, a very nice capture Astrid!!
Walter Otto Koenig06-Jul-2011 13:43
Nice tones in this image. Yes, there are condos, and what a view you would have from the top floor.
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes06-Jul-2011 09:30
There's a few floors there.. nice capture.. and I bet there is a good view from the top.
Mieke WA Minkjan06-Jul-2011 09:29
excellent composition! I like the different lines in it
Janice Dunn06-Jul-2011 08:39
That's a very tall building.
Stephanie06-Jul-2011 08:00
Nice capture of the high rise buildings!