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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 3
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Cerritos, CA

Amaryllis Fountain


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
2s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Michael J. Parkinson15-Jul-2011 00:03
The long exposure works well here.
Kerry Tingley08-Jul-2011 00:33
A beautiful fountain.
Cindi Smith04-Jul-2011 22:59
Way cool night shot. May have to get out tonight and get a few myself. Really great work!
borisalex04-Jul-2011 18:11
Really beautiful for the details and contrasts, the light sources add to the image!
Brenda04-Jul-2011 10:44
Beautiful photo. Love how the water photographed as it gets further from the fountain head.
Yvonne04-Jul-2011 10:30
What an amazing fountain!
J. Scott Coile04-Jul-2011 05:27
Guest 03-Jul-2011 23:27
baroque decoration for a modern building.
Guest 03-Jul-2011 22:51
Nice fountain Astrid!!
Janice Dunn03-Jul-2011 19:39
Interesting water fountains
franz03-Jul-2011 19:16
Nice sprinkling fountain in b&w. BV Astrid!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jul-2011 15:42
Really like the lighting here Astrid. Well done.
LynnH03-Jul-2011 13:03
Artistic whimsy! I love it!
Mieke WA Minkjan03-Jul-2011 09:25
great catch and composition
Stephanie03-Jul-2011 07:41
What a pretty fountain! :)
Guest 03-Jul-2011 07:30
Very nice.