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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 2
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Cerritos, CA

This dolphin water feature in front of the Cerritos City Hall is a favorite cooling place for the young. The dolphins face the library.

Below is an image from Memorial Day.


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
0.60s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Jul-2011 15:56
Totally amazing! Voted.
Guest 10-Jul-2011 23:34
this is a great water playground, excellent night capture.
Kerry Tingley08-Jul-2011 00:16
borisalex04-Jul-2011 18:22
Most interesting and bwonderfull done shot!
Yvonne04-Jul-2011 11:11
What a beautiful fountain, great night shot Astrid! v
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography03-Jul-2011 22:52
Guest 03-Jul-2011 15:32
Beautiful, love your silky water Astrid!
LynnH03-Jul-2011 14:20
Very cool at night and in b&w!!!! BV
Mieke WA Minkjan03-Jul-2011 09:33
excellent V
Cindi Smith03-Jul-2011 01:41
This is gorgeous!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous! V
Janice Dunn03-Jul-2011 00:17
What an eye-catching fountain area it is
Brenda02-Jul-2011 22:06
Great night image. Love the water fountain and the lighting.
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes02-Jul-2011 20:49
Nice tones here, nature and architecture combined...
J. Scott Coile02-Jul-2011 20:28
Sculpture is such an important architectural element. Great exposure.
Walter Otto Koenig02-Jul-2011 19:53
Nice exposure and tonal range in this night shot Astrid. Cerritos is pretty far inland for dolphins. :)
Stephanie02-Jul-2011 19:24
So beautiful in B&W! Great lighting! V
Robin Reid02-Jul-2011 19:21
I love this . Dramatic, nicely lit, and sharp!
Guest 02-Jul-2011 18:34
Great action shot in B&W! Love it.
lisamidi02-Jul-2011 18:17
Fantastic shot with this action moment and the light! v