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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 1
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Cerritos, CA

The Cerritos Civic Center is one of my local favorite places to shoot. So I stopped by this evening and captured this detail from the Cerritos Library.


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
5s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pieter Bos18-Jul-2011 05:49
Beautiful B&W image! ~V
Michael J. Parkinson15-Jul-2011 00:03
A fine image.
Kerry Tingley08-Jul-2011 00:08
Nice textures with the bricks Astrid.
J. Scott Coile04-Jul-2011 05:34
Nice composition.
Cindi Smith02-Jul-2011 17:32
Love the light, lines and curves....makes a fine abstract!
LynnH02-Jul-2011 16:07
Fabulous night shot! I love the curves and lights! V
Walter Otto Koenig02-Jul-2011 15:29
Cool shot with this illumination. Very well composed. Glad you're joining us again Astrid.
Guest 02-Jul-2011 13:41
Wonderful architecture!! Lovely B&W capture Astrid! V
Guest 02-Jul-2011 13:37
Brenda02-Jul-2011 11:57
Perfect for the challenge. Love the detail and the night pov.
Stephanie02-Jul-2011 11:55
This is wonderful in B&W! V
Janice Dunn02-Jul-2011 11:34
It looks good lit up at night
Guest 02-Jul-2011 11:24
Nice! It works well in B&W.