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Antonis Sarantos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Portraits > 13 Jun 2005 "Street portrait"
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13 Jun 2005 "Street portrait"


Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/2500s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
suse16-Jul-2005 01:02
Beautiful capture. Was this as shot or was it cropped?
Guest 19-Jun-2005 17:32
I love this -- I love his face. He is older than he feels, I think. GMV
Daniel NG 19-Jun-2005 11:28
Very nice portrait. You captured a realistic life of an old man who enjoying taking a rest and his retirement life..
Guest 15-Jun-2005 10:13
welcome back..I missed seeing your work..excellent candid Antonis
Manfred Bachmann15-Jun-2005 00:15
Absolutly top quality!
Guest 14-Jun-2005 21:29
I love the lines upon his face, the stories they suggest- he seems as if he is conversing with a friend( who may or may not really be there).
Bob White14-Jun-2005 17:07
Beautiful Shot --- I am inclined to sgree with Dan I think the hands are very important
but the expression on his face is great,
Chris Sofopoulos14-Jun-2005 10:23
Welcome back my friend. Great tones and capture. Voted.
yosi aptekar14-Jun-2005 07:28
this is a powerful image.
Pepe Zyman14-Jun-2005 05:19
Welcome back! Very nice candid.
Guest 14-Jun-2005 04:54
Welcome back buddy!
Guest 14-Jun-2005 03:24
nice to see your site updated again :)
Karen Leaf14-Jun-2005 02:03
Glad to see you back Antonis, and a strong portrait to bring with you.
Guest 14-Jun-2005 01:20
Strong portrait ... :)
Yvonne14-Jun-2005 01:08
That poor old guy doesn't look too comfy sitting on that hard
surface...wonderful portrait as always!
Wenche Aune13-Jun-2005 23:44
Very nice steet portrait.
Guest 13-Jun-2005 23:28
Nice shot Antonis.
JeremyGood13-Jun-2005 22:40
Welcome back! I've missed your work. While you were gone, we took pictures of toilets.
Good to have you back to add some class!
Guest 13-Jun-2005 21:21
Great tones!
Guest 13-Jun-2005 20:59
welcome back my friend. :)
great to see more street shots again. would love to take a head portrait of this fella...looks like he has a lot of character with his wrinkles.
Susanne13-Jun-2005 20:57
Very nice street portrait. I like the aged face on this gentleman, I wonder what stories he could tell us.
Guest 13-Jun-2005 20:53
There sure are many old people in Greece
Dan Chusid13-Jun-2005 20:46
I'd like to see this less chopped off on the left side Antonis. The hands seem an important element to the entire frame.
Guest 13-Jun-2005 20:38
oh ! his jacket looks like the stone
excellent !
Gary Winters13-Jun-2005 19:16
Another excellent study in character.
Leo Charette13-Jun-2005 19:08
Beautiful toning... excellent exposure and composition.
Gayle P. Clement13-Jun-2005 19:01
Wonderful strong face. Nice work.
Ray :)13-Jun-2005 19:00
Oh, I've been missing your street portraits. A fine example of your work.
Vinh Luu13-Jun-2005 18:47
wonderful portrait Antonis, and welcome back. hope you had a good trip.
Rosi Blaurock13-Jun-2005 18:35
Adalberto Tiburzi13-Jun-2005 18:05
Seems a classic, made of marble himself...
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